Thursday, 13 December 2012

Getting Started with In-Home Enteral Nutrition

Injury and illness can wreak havoc on a person’s body.  If hospitalized, the stress of unfamiliar surroundings and uncertain outcomes can add to the physical strain on the body.  During this time, it is imperative to maintain proper nutrition to keep up both strength and morale, to aid in the healing process.  When a patient is unable to process food in the usual way, an alternative method must be employed.  Enteral nutrition serves this purpose by feeding through a tube, into either the stomach or small intestine.enteral nutritional   Symbius Medical Enteral nutrition is used for those who are not able to eat normally, but whose digestive system is still able to process sustenance.  Tube feeding is commonly seen in hospitals, but it is also a viable option for home health care – it is estimated that more than 344,000 people in the United States receive enteral nutrition at home.

Before beginning an enteral nutrition program, a patient should receive a nutrition assessment to determine daily caloric, protein, and fluid intake needs.  The assessment may take place in the hospital prior to discharge, in the physician’s office, or in the home, and should be completed by a registered dietician or a similarly-qualified health care professional. An accurate assessment is imperative to avoid malnutrition, and must also account for overcoming existing malnourishment, restoration of nutritional status, wound healing, and return or improvement of physical strength.  Based on the findings of the nutrition assessment, an appropriate formula will be prescribed.

At Symbius Medical, we make it easy to order your enteral products and supplies. We make it easy to reorder, too – contact our customer service department and learn more about our 3-month supply program.  To learn more about our enteral nutrition options, call us today at (800) 948-1868, or email us at


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