Thursday 30 January 2014

Liquids and Bladder Function

An overactive bladder can be triggered by many things and the most obvious is liquids, though not always in the way you imagine.  According to WebMD, not only the amount, but the type of liquid you consume can trigger more-frequent-than-normal bladder activity.

The Symbius Medical customer service department is available to answer your questions – and we can take care of processing your insurance claim with your primary or secondary insurance provider.

How to Manage the Winter Blues

Fight the Winter Blues  Symbius Medical
With the annual arrival of winter, the number of daylight hours diminishes as the earth turns ever so slightly away from the sun. Taking simple steps can make all the difference to your wintertime health and well-being. 

For more information on home medical products, visit Symbius Medical.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Look to Set Healthy Goals for the New Year

Of all the resolutions we make to start the new year, more than half involve becoming healthier; and while much is made of how few people achieve their goals, what of those who get it right?

The answer lies not in the resolutions we make, but in how we go about realizing life changes that determines success. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Hospital Beds For Your Home

hospital beds for home  Symbius Medical

Symbius Medical can provide you with a variety of home medical equipment including hospital beds, commodes, patient lifts, canes & crutches, walkers, ramps and bath safety items. 

Symbius Medical can assist you with all your hospital bed supply needs and have them shipped or delivered directly to your door. Our customer service department is available to answer your questions and we will even take care of processing your insurance claim with your primary or secondary insurance provider.