Tuesday, 30 September 2014

No Ice Bucket Need Here - Understanding ALS

Like many social media campaigns that go viral, you can’t seem to get away from the one to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, referred to as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (#ALSIceBucketChallenge).

Just as there’s no known cure for the disease there also is no clear understanding of what causes the disease. Hopefully with this year’s windfall of donations, more progress can be made in finding a cure.


Thursday, 25 September 2014

Avoiding Foodborne Illness During Summer

summer food illnesses  Symbius Medical
What could be better, during the warm late-summer and early-autumn days thanhaving a leisurely picnic, or hosting a family barbeque? It’s proven that foodborne illness, otherwise referred to as food poisoning, occurs more often during thesewarmer months, and the cause is twofold.

At Symbius Medical, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for our customers and the communities we serve. We offer a 24-hour on-call service that will answer any questions or concerns that you or caregivers may have when using our home medical equipment or products. We invite you to visit one of our regional retail branch locations for all your home medical equipment needs or call us toll free at 800-948-1868 to place your home medical supply order today. 


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Suffering With Summertime Injuries

common summer injuries  Symbius Medical
Slips, trips and falls, as well as broken bones and displaced joints may seemmore appropriate to the winter months, during the cold, and wet or icy months.But summertime boasts its own bevy of injuries specific to the season. Here arethe top four areas of the body which suffered the most injury during the summerof 2014.  

At Symbius Medical, we work to ensure the continued health and safety of our customers. For more information about products and services related to mobility care and rehab, email Customer-Service@SymbiusMedical.com.


Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Taking An Aspirin a Day...

daily aspirin therapy  Symbius Medical
A new study recently determined a link between taking an aspirin daily and areduction in the odds of developing and dying from colon, stomach, oresophageal cancer. 

For more information, view the full report at the Annals of Oncology websiteAt Symbius Medical, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for ourcustomers and the communities we serve. We specialize in name-brand productsyou use every day. Symbius Medical can assist you with all your supply needs and have them shipped directly to your door.
