Symbius Medical serves home medical customer. The Symbius Medical team includes professional, experienced Respiratory Therapists, Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses & Licensed Vocational Nurses.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
What’s Worse Than ALS?
Having raised over $100 million for ALS, the #IceBucketChallenge was fun, funny, and hugely effective. But it brings to light an interesting paradox: that the diseases whose research we donate most to fund are not the ones that most of the population is most likely to die from.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Is the Paleo Diet Good for Diabetics?
Over the past several years, low-carb diets have been gaining traction, proving to be more effective for maintaining a healthy weight. And for all intents and purposes, this type of diet is ideal for those with type-2 diabetes, with evidence being corroborated by a study published in Diabetologia.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Will a Portable Oxygen Concentrator Work for You?
Supplemental oxygen can be prescribed for a variety of conditions. Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs) have become more readily available in recent years, offering a compact, lightweight solution for home oxygen therapy, but it’s important to remember that not all POC products are created equally. When choosing a POC, there are a number of questions a user must consider. The American Lung Association offers these tips on choosing a POC.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Is a Change in Gait An Indication of Bigger Problems?
We’ve come to accept the shuffle as a normal part of aging, but what if there was more to this change in a person’s gait? What if it indicated a shift in cognitive function?
As mobility and accessibility needs change, Symbius Medical is here to help you every step of the way. Our customer service representatives are available to answer your questions about aids to everyday living, and to help you decide what equipment is best for you or your loved one.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
No Ice Bucket Need Here - Understanding ALS
Like many social media campaigns that go viral, you can’t seem to get away from the one to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, referred to as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (#ALSIceBucketChallenge).
Just as there’s no known cure for the disease there also is no clear understanding of what causes the disease. Hopefully with this year’s windfall of donations, more progress can be made in finding a cure.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Avoiding Foodborne Illness During Summer

What could be better, during the warm late-summer and early-autumn days thanhaving a leisurely picnic, or hosting a family barbeque? It’s proven that foodborne illness, otherwise referred to as food poisoning, occurs more often during thesewarmer months, and the cause is twofold.
At Symbius Medical, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for our customers and the communities we serve. We offer a 24-hour on-call service that will answer any questions or concerns that you or caregivers may have when using our home medical equipment or products. We invite you to visit one of our regional retail branch locations for all your home medical equipment needs or call us toll free at 800-948-1868 to place your home medical supply order today.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Suffering With Summertime Injuries

Slips, trips and falls, as well as broken bones and displaced joints may seemmore appropriate to the winter months, during the cold, and wet or icy months.But summertime boasts its own bevy of injuries specific to the season. Here arethe top four areas of the body which suffered the most injury during the summerof 2014.
At Symbius Medical, we work to ensure the continued health and safety of our customers. For more information about products and services related to mobility care and rehab, email
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Taking An Aspirin a Day...

A new study recently determined a link between taking an aspirin daily and areduction in the odds of developing and dying from colon, stomach, oresophageal cancer.
For more information, view the full report at the Annals of Oncology websiteAt Symbius Medical, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for ourcustomers and the communities we serve. We specialize in name-brand productsyou use every day. Symbius Medical can assist you with all your supply needs and have them shipped directly to your door.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Gestational Diabetes and the Risk of Post-Partum Incontinence
Post-partum women who experienced gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are at increased risk for stress urinary incontinence for at least two years after delivery.
Symbius Medical can assist you with all your supply needs and have them shipped directly to your door.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Is There Such A Thing As Sleep Procrastination
It’s easy to understand why we put off certain activities—cleaning around the house, paying bills, and exercising regularly (if at all!) all tend to top the list. Sleep, however, may not be the first thing that comes to mind when the topic of procrastination is raised.
Friday, 8 August 2014
Ostomy Selfies
Summertime is the season of the bathing suit. But for men and women living with an ostomy, stripping down can be daunting, even embarrassing. With ostomies on the rise, so is acceptance.
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Are You Protected?
Though often overlooked, skin is the largest organ of the body. And because it’s located on the outside of the body, it requires more consideration than it’s typically given. Avoid these simple mistakes to protect your skin.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
We Aim to Reduce Confusion in Healthcare
At Symbius Medical, we strive to help our customers choose the best products and services to suit their needs, while assisting them in navigating the new healthcare landscape.
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Foods To Avoid To Help Ward Off Osteoporosis
Although there is no cure for osteoporosis, there are steps that can prevent, slow or stop its progress. While getting enough calcium and vitamin D are essential to bone health, avoiding certain foods can also keep bones healthy and strong as the body ages. According to an article in WebMD, persons at risk of osteoporosis should work to limit or exclude the following foods:
Monday, 30 June 2014
What You Should Expect During a Sleep Study
It’s estimated that more than 70 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea or other nighttime restlessness. When a patient expresses concern over the quality of their sleep but symptoms are inconclusive, a doctor may suggest a sleep study.
Symbius Medical offers a large selection of CPAP/BiLevel devices including supplies such as masks, tubing and filters—we even offer a Mask Exchange Program to ensure total comfort.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Managing Common Diabetic Eye Conditions
For those with diabetes, the possibility of developing an eye disorder is backed up by some disturbing statistics. While the threat is real, simple steps can be taken to mitigate the risk.
With regular checkups and taking care of yourself, these eye conditions can remain minor. If a major problem does develop, however, there are treatments that often work well. Symbius Medical staff is available in-store in regional retail branch locations supplying home medical equipment needs, by phone at 800-948-1868 to place home medical supply orders, or online at
Monday, 23 June 2014
Some Facts About Nebulizers
When a nebulizer is prescribed, myriad myths and misconceptions can enter into a patient’s mind, but nebulizers are simple to use and an effective form of treatment.
Saturday, 14 June 2014
More Accessible Taxis and Taxes
As the baby boomer generation ages, their needs—and level of mobility—will change, requiring more accessible transportation options to be available. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio aims to make 50 percent of the city’s taxis accessible by 2020.
Friday, 6 June 2014
Elderly Care Options

Over the years, our collective opinion on how to manage later life issues has changed dramatically; however, determining when it’s time to get help for yourself or a loved one is still a difficult decision. The AARP offers suggestions for deciding next steps when you or a loved one can no longer perform daily activities alone.
Symbius Medical can assist you with all your home healthcare supply needs and have them shipped or delivered directly to your door. Our customer service department is available to answer your questions and we will even take care of processing your insurance claim with your primary or secondary insurance provider.
Saturday, 31 May 2014
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D During the Summer

It’s well documented that the diminished hours of sunlight during the winter months negatively impacts a large percentage of the US population. It stands to reason that, as winter passes, the days lengthen and more time is spent outdoors, levels of vitamin D naturally rise in the body. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.
At Symbius Medical, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for our customers and the communities we serve.
Monday, 26 May 2014
Possible Side Effects of Sedatives on Older COPD Patients

For those suffering from COPD, breathing problems are already an unpleasant fact of life. A new study now shows that older patients suffering from the disease and taking specific meditations may be at additional risk.
Symbius Medical covers all your breathing therapy needs, from CPAP systems and supplies, to oxygen concentrators and equipment. We offer a 24-hour on-call service that will answer questions or concerns from patients or caregivers when using our home medical equipment or products.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Enteral Nutrition for Patients with Food Allergies or Sensitivities
Food allergies have been on the rise for the past several years, with little insight as to what’s causing the widespread epidemic. Allergies and sensitivities can interfere with nutrient absorption and assimilation, a significant concern for those whose conditions necessitate the use of enteral feeding.
Ensuring Continuous Quality and Compliance

After nearly 20 years in the medical device industry, we are more dedicated than ever to improving the quality of life for our customers. To keep abreast of what’s happening in the various industries and markets we serve, and to ensure our business practices continue to be in line with our mission, we have created several committees.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Symbius Medical in Ranking Arizona Top Ten
At Symbius Medical, we believe the right thing for the customer is the right thing for us, and this philosophy drives every decision we make. Clearly, we’re doing something right, because voters placed us in Ranking Arizona’s Top Ten Home Health Supply providers.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Can Building Muscle Mass Lead to a Longer Life?

As a population, we are bombarded on a daily basis with theories about how to extend our lives. A new finding indicates that when older Americans have more muscle mass, they are less likely to die prematurely.
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Try Adaptive Gardening This Spring

For those managing illness or disability, it can be difficult to find outside activity suitable to their special needs. Gardening is an activity that can be easily adapted to accommodate almost any individual.
Regardless of whether you’re planning multiple plots, or a single trellised tomato plant, the benefits of gardening are immeasurable on health and wellbeing.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Why Do Catheters Expire?

When you’re wearing a catheter, you have your eye on the clock – to ensure timely bag changes, well as ensuring product use prior to the expiration date.
With our Monthly Supply Order Management Program, supplies can be automatically shipped to the customer’s door.
Sunday, 6 April 2014
How to Manage Gestational Diabetes

During pregnancy, some women may develop gestational diabetes, a form of insulin resistance, which is temporary and specific to pregnant women. Whatever type of diabetes, Symbius Medical can assist you with all your diabetic supply needs and have them shipped directly to your door.
Friday, 28 March 2014
Daytime Consequences of Sleep Apnea
A 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey of sleep deprivation revealed an alarming fact: of those who answered, approximately 1 in 25 participants admitted to having fallen asleep while driving in the preceding 30 days. Sleep apnea can be a major cause of daytime drowsiness, and can be assessed during a sleep study.
At Symbius Medical, we take a clinical approach to care. To ensure our customers’ complete comfort and understanding home medical equipment, our highly trained Respiratory Therapists specially fit customers with the proper equipment, and instruct on use and care for your device in the home.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Counting Calories with Apps and Online Programs
Spring is right around the corner, which can prompt many to begin thinking about diet and exercise; the most important catalyst for paying closer attention to these life elements, however, is general health and well being. A good way to jumpstart healthy eating habits is by maintaining a daily food log.
For our customers, overall good health is best. At Symbius Medical, we want to improve our customers’ lives by providing exceptional service, education and compassionate care.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Exercising as You Age
There’s a holy trinity of overcoming not-so-great health, as well as attaining and keeping good health: eat well, get enough sleep, exercise regularly. Recent studies indicate that, regardless of when it’s started, physical activity facilitates healthy aging in older adults.
Regardless of age when an individual begins exercising, the benefits will be seen immediately, with improved mood and energy levels, and later, with a potentially increased lifespan and better overall health and cognition. Combined with eating healthfully and getting enough sleep, this holy trinity is easily attainable by mere mortals.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Need to Find Relief from Sleep Apnea?

At Symbius, we pride ourselves on creating strong relationships with our customers and their caregivers, and providing the best customer service possible. This satisfied customer’s review – along with those shared by phone and email on a weekly basis – reinforces that we’re on the right track.
Every medical supply and product we offer is backed by the clinical expertise of our people. It’s the only way we believe business in our industry should be done.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Women's Urinary Incontinence

More than 13 million people in the United States suffer from incontinence. The number includes the elderly, of course, but also a younger demographic, both male and female. At Symbius Medical we stock a variety of high-quality incontinence products to assist with bladder control.
You can trust Symbius Medical to be your national full-service home medical supplier. We specialize in urological care, incontinence, ostomy care, diabetic supplies, wound care, and enteral nutrition including over 10,000 in-stock medical supplies from leading manufacturers to meet the growing needs of our home health care customers.
Friday, 28 February 2014
Symbius Medical Gives Back to the Arizona Spinal Cord Association

Symbius is proud to sponsor the Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association, which offers education and myriad resources to those living with spinal cord injury in the Phoenix area.
At Symbius Medical we understand the importance of having the items you need every day to make your life easier. We offer a variety of products from many leading manufacturers to help you achieve that goal.
Monday, 24 February 2014
A New Year & A New Partnership – Same Great Service

Early this year, Symbius joined forces with 180 Medical, a leader in the home delivery of intermittent catheters and other medical supplies. With both companies sharing a common focus on providing exceptional customer care in the home delivery of medical supplies, the partnership was a natural extension of the services of both.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Liquids and Bladder Function

An overactive bladder can be triggered by many things and the most obvious is liquids, though not always in the way you imagine. According to WebMD, not only the amount, but the type of liquid you consume can trigger more-frequent-than-normal bladder activity.
The Symbius Medical customer service department is available to answer your questions – and we can take care of processing your insurance claim with your primary or secondary insurance provider.
How to Manage the Winter Blues

With the annual arrival of winter, the number of daylight hours diminishes as the earth turns ever so slightly away from the sun. Taking simple steps can make all the difference to your wintertime health and well-being.
For more information on home medical products, visit Symbius Medical.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Look to Set Healthy Goals for the New Year

Of all the resolutions we make to start the new year, more than half involve becoming healthier; and while much is made of how few people achieve their goals, what of those who get it right?
The answer lies not in the resolutions we make, but in how we go about realizing life changes that determines success.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Hospital Beds For Your Home
Symbius Medical can provide you with a variety of home medical equipment including hospital beds, commodes, patient lifts, canes & crutches, walkers, ramps and bath safety items.
Symbius Medical can assist you with all your hospital bed supply needs and have them shipped or delivered directly to your door. Our customer service department is available to answer your questions and we will even take care of processing your insurance claim with your primary or secondary insurance provider.
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